Nwando's Approach to Supported Living
Supported Living Accommodation is widely believed to work especially well for those who face complex challenges—individuals and families confronted with serious, persistent issues. These may include substance abuse, addiction or alcoholism, mental illness, or other serious challenges to a successful life and who also have very low incomes.
Our Supported Living schemes aim to develop and sustain an individual’s capacity to live independently - a stable environment and extra help for vulnerable people. Residents and support staff are based within the same building.
Placements are offered subject to referral and full assessment of the client’s needs. Clients are fully involved and will be invited to view suitable placements prior to making a choice. Costs will be agreed with the placing authority as part of the planning process. Clients are likely to have been allocated a Personal Budget and may be receiving Direct Payments.
Nwando Care has placements across Barnet, Haringey, Harrow, Brent, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
Our placements vary, we offer accommodation only with floating support as well as 24/7 shared and self-contained placements.
Nwando Care operates a full asset partnership model - where placements are based we ensure we are actively engaged in the borough or counties services. For instance, we support engaging with employment training services, advocacy groups, peer support groups and case management.